Friends of the Saranac Clarksville District Library
Book Sale:
The Friends’ Book Sale Shelves are located in the upper room of the Saranac Library and by the front door at the Clarksville Library. Find a large selection of gently used materials for sale including books, CDs, DVDs, and more!
The Friends accept donations of used books, movies, and music. Gently used items that meet the guidelines below will be used in the Friends of the Library book sales. All proceeds benefit the Saranac Clarksville District Library directly.
We will only be accepting 50 items a month so please call the library to confirm space is available.
Unaccepted donation items:
Damaged or dirty items
Encyclopedias, reference material, or textbooks 5 years or older
VHS or cassette tapes
Non-factory manufactured items, such as homemade DVDs or CDs
Reader’s Digest Condensed Books